
At IPS we seek to strike the right balance between Academic and Quasi Academic curriculum. Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular activities seek to to enhance communication skills, bring forth individual talent, personality development as also team work and social ethos. Quasi Academic activities are event based and such events are part of the Annual Calendar. Eminent citizens are invited for Guest lectures and student interaction.

Co-Curricular Activities.

Co-curricular activities are an integral and important part of our curriculum at IPS. We firmly believe that in addition to helping students grow creatively, socially, emotionally and physically, CCAs help students in making new friends and in developing leadership, teamwork and organizational skills. 

Also, they provide a welcome and necessary break to students from the rigor and application required by the academic curriculum, and an opportunity to just have fun!

At IPS, CCAs are structured to complement our classwork. We offer a variety of activities at each grade school level. Rather than providing a large number of activities that makes it difficult for students to choose, we have limited the selection to those activities that can make the most difference in the student’s life. 

Activities have been selected so that all students can meaningfully participate in them without impacting academic performance, while gaining from them the positive skills stated above.

We also have our own PE/Sport and Health curriculum, developed in partnership with EduSportz. These classes will be restarted when in-person classes are back in session. 

Extra-Curricular Activitie

At IPS sports and fitness are religion. We sustain an environment that enables sporting talent to bloom. IPS sports persons participate at cluster and State level and have a number of accomplishments to their credit. Girls are particularly encouraged to participate in sports. The School annual meet is a seminal event where students show case their sports talent as also the school identifies student gifted in sports.

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